Before and After School Care

Aftercare for 3 years - kindergarten

For our Children's House students, we offer in-house aftercare staffed by Willow Oak teachers so this age group can remain together for the duration of the day.

Before-school care for all ages is offered by Camp AMP.

After Care: 3:10-6:00pm

Click here for pricing and registration.

We want all families to have access to high-quality childcare. When enrolling in aftercare, please select the payment option that best reflects your family’s income level.

Aftercare for 1st - 8th grades,
Before Care, Early Release Days
& Workday Camps

Our on-campus before- and after-school care for 1st-8th graders, as well as any childcare provided on early release days and teacher workdays, is provided by Camp AMP

Before Care: 7:30-8:10am
After Care: 3:40-6:00pm

Camp AMP follows a Montessori model and prides itself on small group sizes and the ability to give attention to each child. Camp AMP also strives to maintain good relationships with our parents and community. Affordability, understanding, and respect are part of our goals and business model. 

See Camp AMP's website for pricing, registration and more information.