School Policies and Handbooks

Title IX

Willow Oak Montessori is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and equitable learning environment for all students and staff. In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Willow Oak Montessori prohibits discrimination based on sex, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, gender-based discrimination, in any school program or activity.

Any student, parent, guardian, staff member, or community member who believes they have experienced or witnessed a Title IX violation (such as sexual harassment or gender-based discrimination) is encouraged to report the matter immediately. Reports can be made in person, by phone, or by email to the Title IX Coordinator. Our Title IX Grievance policy can be viewed here. Title IX roles (Coordinator, Investigator, Decision Maker) have all received training specific to their roles through: ATIXA, Institutional Compliance Solutions, and Title IX Solutions

Training slides for each role can be viewed here: Coordinator, Investigator, Decision Maker.

Note that these materials are the exclusive property of Title IX Solutions, LLC. All rights reserved, ©2022. The publishing of these materials on this website is authorized by Title IX Solutions, LLC solely for use by this institution in compliance with Regulations 34 CFR Statute 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D). No other use or dissemination by this institution or any third party is authorized without the prior written consent of Title IX Solutions, LLC.  The information and materials provided during this program were for educational purposes only and not intended to be legal advice.

Title IX Coordinator

Erica Halter, Assistant Head of School

Phone: 919-240-7787


Senate Bill 49 (Parents’ Bill of Rights)

In late 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly passed Senate Bill 49 (Parents’ Bill of Rights), emphasizing the pivotal role of parental guidance in the upbringing, education, healthcare, and mental well-being of minors. These directives, sanctioned by the WOM Board in December 2023, serve as guiding principles at Willow Oak Montessori. Our commitment to individual growth, interdependence, peaceful cooperation, and respectful care is embedded in the implementation of these policies, aligning with our mission, vision, and community ethos as we nurture the distinctive potential of each student. Below are the approved policies: